We are facing an undercover epidemic right now. Are you aware of it?
The day has come where we as a collective species are facing a global lack of compassion, primarily due to an aspect of culture shock (i.e. differences between cultures) referred to as “cognitive dissonance“.
Cognitive dissonance is explained as:
” -the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information. The unease or tension that the conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to any other defensive means of preserving stability or order in their conceptions of the world and of themselves. The concept was developed in the 1950s by American psychologist Leon Festinger and became a major point of discussion and research.”
By the title referring to “babies”, I do mean it as is the dictionary context definition: “a very young child, especially one newly or recently born”. A mother’s young. An innocent life new unto the world. How does that play into cruelty-free living? And are you currently participating in cruelty-free living… or catering to the epidemic of cruelty?
In the realms of industrialized agriculture and factory farming, there are so many problems regarding the death of innocent babies it would take at least one other separate post to run over the multitude of atrocities that occur from these fields between consumers and producers, supply and demand. If you’ll permit me to explain, the Reader’s Digest version goes something like this:
In our modern (first) world of technology and medicine, we have been able to cheat sickness and sometimes death (to an extent). Medicines, surgeries, and supplements keep the average human alive longer than would be the case without these modern amenities at play. Easy enough so far, yes?
So, we’re living longer, and now compound that with the breeding rate; Hospitals and better health care means lower mortality rate, and more children living successfully into adulthood. A faster population rise means needing a bigger food supply. But how to feed a largely omnivore-dependent population when the livestock requires more time to grow/mature than what our feeding intake allows? This is where hormones and genetically modified growth factors into the equation; livestock like chickens and cows are fed in such a way that they grow bigger, fatter, and faster than ever before to meet the demand for eggs, “meat”, leather, and more. Is this starting to make sense to you? Are the actions and consequences adding up?
~Male calves don’t produce milk (or more calves like a mother), so they are often shipped to be killed for veal without ever seeing the daylight.
~Male chicks likewise can’t really breed or lay eggs and take too much work to raise into a feeding chicken, so they too meet an untimely death as chicks and are frequently ground up alive in a machine or put into a garbage bag and suffocated to death.
~Common piglets intended for bacon and pork are brutally slaughtered between 4 months to one year of age. Don’t take my word for it — RESEARCH IT YOURSELF! It’s absolutely vile, and that’s the price these innocent babies pay because we say that our taste buds, our feeling of comfort, our sense of convenience is more important than an innocent baby’s right to life, freedom and happiness.
These are but a few examples. To reiterate, I could go greatly into depth and write a thesis about why baby killing is wrong, but I hope with a few facts and your innate sense of logic and compassion that you would know the truth, AND make a change! With so many wonderful products on the market nowadays, there really is no excuse for sending beautiful baby animals to hideous slaughter.
So, as a vegan we eat neither animal flesh nor byproduct, but we also abstain from cruelty practices, such as animal testing or using animal parts in everyday products.
Getting to the end here!
Eating plants instead of murdered animals is wonderful, but it’s not a one-stop-shop-cure for saving the environment and these amazing creatures. The best thing to do for self-educating is to read, read, read! Read labels. Read reviews. Read what vegans are doing on social media. There’s a whole world of information out there! Herein what I’ve shared are a few examples of what to look for when considering purchasing a product.
At the store, are you purchasing a home good, or murdered animal?
Are you buying a body product, or dead baby’s chance?
*Cruelty-Free* — *Not Tested on Animals*
It’s that simple! Choose products that choose compassion. Choose a lifestyle that chooses compassion. Veganism is that choice for me, every day.
What will YOUR choice be? What do your choices say about you as a human?
Great article and comments. Four years back bloodtest showed TSH of 15, started on 0.25 levoxythyroxine, stopped it everytime within few days, on GF diet since last 4 days, already the pain of insects biting thyroid is much reduced, haziness reduced, had some vertigo symptoms one year back, left ear closure for months, trying to explore more food alternatives and recipes in GF free vegan by choice diet, will try to stop dairy for a while after month or so, maybe vit D deficient as being in sun helps, had a food poisoning episode ten years back with fever for a days and gas, stomach cramps, bloating for months thereafter, it may have started from here, although the hypothyroidism symptoms fit in since childhood, tooth filling 30 years back, maybe mercury like someone mentioned a few comments back
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